Monday, June 8, 2020


The Government should adopt

i)    A single tax of 1 % (without any exemptions or rebates) on the gross of sales & services.
       the center and states can share the same based on gross sales in their respective states.
ii)   English as the national language of transaction and education. Could be Hindi but it will                 attract opposition from southern states. Regional languages can be made optional in the                 respective schools
iii)  national code of laws both civil and criminal.

iv)  a social security system of direct cash transfers linked through employment status.

The standard of a country's education system is not indicated by the number of literates it produces.
It is indicated how far their knowledge is applied in the day-to-day activities of its citizens, resulting in upgrading of their living standards. Meaning whether the end results of the education system are commercially viable.

Probably all of us may be mistaken. During the 60 years of Congress Rule any anti-government action or statement was met by extreme harassment from the tax department, the CBI, denial of permits and licenses etc.

Now the citizens of India are feeling bold enough to come out and criticize the government or complain about the general national situation.

What we are experiencing is an outburst of freedom which people of this country have not enjoyed under the Congress rule.

Complexes are formed in the boulevards or the skid rows of one's mind.                                                   To interpret them is very difficult.